Part Fuse/cs

Part Union

Umístění Menu
Part → Boolean → Union
Pracovní stoly
Výchozí zástupce
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Viz také
Part Cut, Part Common


Sjednocuje vybrané objekty Díl do jednoho. Tato operace je plně parametrická a komponenty mohou být upravovány a výsledek přepočítáván.

Note: This command is an automated form of the Boolean operation.


  1. Select two or more shapes
  2. There are several ways to invoke the command:
    • Press the Part Fuse button in the Part tools toolbar
    • Use the Part → Boolean → Union entry in the Part menu

Supported inputs

Input objects must be OpenCASCADE shapes. Examples: stuff made with Part, PartDesign, Sketcher workbenches. Not meshes (unless those were converted to shapes) - for meshes, there are specific Boolean tools in MeshDesign workbench.

Compounds are supported; however, it is assumed that shapes packed into a compound do not touch or intersect. If they actually do, Fusion will likely fail, or produce an incorrect result.


Items can be added and removed from a fusion, by dragging them in or out of the fusion feature in the tree view with the mouse. To drag items out of a fusion you have to drop them onto the document node (the filename) of your model. A manual recompute (press F5 key or click on the Refresh/Recompute icon) is required to see the results.